Consolidation of ownership and new investment helped them climb back to profitability. Since the 1980s, the nation's railroads have championed deregulation to reverse a slump that saw rail systems fall into disrepair and derailments skyrocket. "Congress needs to take a look at how these things are handled." "Frankly, if this is true, and I'm told it's true, this is absurd," DeWine said. 14 that the railroad company was not legally required to alert anyone in Ohio about the toxic cargo because only some of the cars were carrying hazardous materials. Mike DeWine of Ohio might be the newest Republican to recognize that his party's constant push for government deregulation, while great for corporate profits, is a lousy deal for everyone else. Louis, that just want to be kept informed so they can prepare in case disaster strikes. Railroad deregulation comes at a potentially steep price to communities across the country, including St. The nation's railroads have, for decades, pushed hard to loosen government controls so they can move cargo with fewer restrictions and minimize costly safeguards - which is precisely why East Palestine residents now face a long-term crisis. In other words, keep government out of it. But the railroad actually had been hoping it could do the work on a voluntary basis, on its own timetable and by its own rules and cost structures.

Since the accident was Norfolk Southern's fault, and it was solely responsible for the toxic dangers affecting East Palestine, the EPA order seemed more like a Captain Obvious declaration. Three weeks after the toxic train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, which forced evacuations and widespread chemical contamination, the Environmental Protection Agency has ordered Norfolk Southern Railroad to conduct the cleanup and pay for the damages.